DJI Mavic Mini vs Parrot AR.Drone

September 30, 2021

DJI Mavic Mini vs Parrot AR.Drone

If you're looking for a drone, it's essential to do your homework first. You don't want to end up with a bottom-of-the-barrel drone that will take horrible videos and not fly well. Today, we're going to compare the DJI Mavic Mini and the Parrot AR.Drone to see which one comes out on top.


When it comes to drones, pricing is always a significant factor. The DJI Mavic Mini has a starting price of around $399, while the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 retails for around $299. At first glance, it might seem like the Parrot is the less expensive option. However, you need to factor in the accessories, such as a controller or camera, that make up part of the purchase.

When you add up the accessories for each drone, the DJI Mavic Mini ends up being the cheaper option.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Flight Time and Range

Both drones have a flight time of around 30 minutes. However, the DJI Mavic Mini has a greater flight range, up to 4 km, while the Parrot AR.Drone has a range of only 50 meters.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini


Another important factor is the quality of the camera. The DJI Mavic Mini has a 12 MP camera that can shoot 2.7K video at 30 fps. The Parrot AR.Drone, on the other hand, has a 720p camera that can shoot video at 30 fps.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Ease of Use

Both drones are relatively easy to use, but the DJI Mavic Mini has a slight advantage. DJI includes a dedicated controller with the Mavic Mini, while the Parrot AR.Drone relies on a smartphone app.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini


When it comes down to the final decision, the DJI Mavic Mini is the clear winner. It has a better camera, longer range, and is easier to use. However, if price is your most significant factor, you might want to go with the Parrot AR.Drone.

Overall, both drones offer fantastic features and capabilities, but the DJI Mavic Mini edges out the Parrot AR.Drone.

Thanks for reading, and fly safely!


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